It's starting to sink in that I will not have a job soon. Interestingly enough I remain calm. I have been telling more and more people about my resignation and seem to have more and more support coming my way (in addition to lots of questions).
Last night I attended a meeting at church in an unfortunately un-air conditioned room where we learned about conducting individual meetings. Our resident community organizer says, "It's the most radical thing we do". And I came to realize its potency as we practiced. It is the essence of making a human connection. You're meeting with someone face-to-face, no agenda but getting to know what that person is about. It is a simple yet mind-blowing idea. When's the last time I had a conversation that did not have a motive to go along with it? Whenever I talk with folks about ministry and seminary I am always on the hunt for helpful hints and clues. I want to "get ahead" and learn more about his/her career and path in order to do well in mine. Individual meetings are not about filling your own needs. Your goal is the other person, not me, me, me. You want to know how this person thinks, why s/he thinks that way and ultimately what drives him/her to stand up and act (and share those things likewise). It's about sharing and digging, sometimes deep, into a person's ideas and how history has shaped those ideas. I am beyond fascinated and know this will be useful in building deep relations both personally and professionally.
I came home brimming with hope and awe about the process I had just gone through. What a great way to end what has been a tumultuous week. There is a cheery positivity in my soul as I enter the weekend. It also helps that I am momentarily leaving for the shore. The beach has always been a place of respite and wonder for me. I never tire of walking in wet sand listening to waves crash at my feet. It's something so natural, rhythmic, and amazing at the same time. I look forward to some pure relaxation (and world cup soccer) this weekend and not thinking about the fact that I have to squeeze in a full, final week of work, followed by a holiday weekend, followed by four weeks away from home. Just going to sit back and listen to the ocean with some Celtic Wisdom...and maybe a frisbee.