I recently went out to dinner with very close family friends. They are in full support of my journey and even brought a gift along to soften the blow of my job-quitting transition. It is an angel wearing a dress of the following phrases:
Embrace Change: Begin Today, Surround Yourself with Good People, Surrender your Fear, Feel the Brightness of Being Alive,
What is Calling You?, Take Flight for Your Dreams, Wear Red Shoes, Believe in Possibility, Be Brave.
So far I am wearing red shoes. Actually many of these statements ring true for me and it feels good to see them written down and have them staring at me, so that when I have doubts about my path I need only look up for encouragement.
Short post for now, finishing up at work tomorrow and then packing for my month away. I must admit my nervous feelings of going someplace new and unknown, but with every deep breathe comes contentment and excitement for the first part of my transition. I know many more posts will come as a result.
Happy Independence and Interdependence Day! Let's celebrate the good things.